This portrait series was created during a Transgender Day of Remembrance event, a day dedicated to memorializing the lives of transgender individuals lost to violence and discrimination. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by the transgender community and the importance of standing in solidarity with our transgender brothers and sisters. For this project, participants were invited to take a rose for every person they’ve lost, holding them in their portraits as a way to honor their memory and include them in the image. These photos capture moments of grief and love. There is an urgent need for justice and support to address this issue. Photos were taken in partnership with The Los Angeles Community Action Network located in Skid Row, Los Angeles.
Note: Documenting the challenges houseless communities face is critical. However much of my portrait work in Skid Row is intentionally shot in a studio setting to focus on people instead of circumstances. By creating a neutral space to connect, I want people to see the spirit and diversity of the community, finding common ground without judgment.